Finding Your Music's People: A Different Kind of Marketing Plan
Stop trying to make your music famous.
Famous is the wrong target. Famous is about numbers, algorithms, and attention hacking. It's focusing on the map instead of the territory.
Here's what actually happens when music finds its audience:
Someone hears your song. They stop. Listen again. Feel a shiver. Not because it's trendy or well-promoted, but because they recognize something. Something that was already there, waiting.
This is how real music spreads: Through recognition, not promotion. Through resonance, not reach. Through alignment, not algorithms.
So here's your new marketing plan:
Document the moments when the music comes through you. Not the polished performance - the raw connection. Share that.
Create spaces for deep listening. Not background music. Not content. Experience.
Collect stories of recognition. When someone says "this song found me exactly when I needed it" - that's your real marketing material.
Build connection points, not contact lists. One person who truly recognizes your music is worth more than a thousand casual plays.
Stop asking "how can I reach more people?" Start asking "how can I help my music find its people?"
The paradox: When you stop trying to make your music famous and start helping it find its natural resonance, that's when it might just become famous anyway.
But by then, you won't care about the fame part.
Because you'll have found something better.
You'll have found your music's people.
And they'll have found themselves in your music.
Everything else is just noise. :-)