The Fork in the Music Road
Ever notice how some songs make you stop in your tracks, while others just fill the silence at the grocery store?
Here's the thing: We're drowning in sound, but starving for music that matters.
Real music isn't background noise. It's not a product to be optimized. It's not a TikTok algorithm's best guess.
Real music is that moment when your spine tingles. When your breath catches. When you finally find words for that feeling you couldn't explain.
The other stuff? It's sonic wallpaper. Pleasant enough, sure. Keeps the silence at bay. But it won't change your life.
The tragedy isn't that commercial music exists. It's that we've forgotten the difference.
Next time you press play, ask yourself: Am I choosing wallpaper, or am I choosing art?
Because the music you pick doesn't just fill your space.
It shapes your soul.
Choose wisely.