The Trap of Small Victories
I recently came across this quote attributed to Nietzsche: 'Preserve me from all small victories; spare me for one great victory.'"
It's the kind of insight that changes everything.
Small victories are seductive. They're the Instagram likes, the quick PR hits, the easy gigs that don't push you forward. They feel good in the moment, like sugar rushing through your veins.
But here's the thing about small victories: they're often disguised distractions. Each one pulls you slightly off course, consuming energy that could be invested in the work that matters.
The paradox is that big victories rarely come from chasing lots of small ones. They come from having the discipline to say no to the small ones.
What if, instead of optimizing for the next quick win, you optimized for the work that might take years to pay off? What if you measured yourself not by today's metrics, but by the impact you'll have a decade from now?
The small victories will always be there, tempting you. The question is: what are you willing to preserve yourself for